by professionaldrinking | Feb 1, 2022 | Uncategorized
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by ennwi4 | Feb 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
What do you do when someone who is unquestionably brilliant is also a jerk? We all work with someone who is unquestionably brilliant. You know the type: the person who consistently comes up with great insights and ideas and who can cut to the quick far faster than...
by ennwi4 | Feb 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
This article is excerpted from the book Great CEOs Are Lazy (Inc. Original Imprint, 2016) A lot of the mediocre and hardworking CEOs we have run into over the years are exceptionally good at what we call “peanut buttering.” When it comes to allocating their time to...
by ennwi4 | Feb 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
Great leaders focus in on what we can call the “Talk/Do” ratio. Put simply, they measure how much their employees talk and communicate compared to how much work they actually get done. How do you go about evaluating the talent in your organization? There are obviously...
by ennwi4 | Feb 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
When it comes to communicating about your strategy with your organization, and ensuring you don’t out think it, the phrase to remember is: keep it short and sweet. Everyone who runs a successful business believes that they have the best people working for them. And...
by ennwi4 | Feb 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
There is a single question that you can use to assess whether candidates understand the job and if they are A or C players. The secret to hiring your next great employee might come down to how someone answers a single question. And you won’t be asking what kind of...
by ennwi4 | Feb 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
Thousands of hours have been wasted talking about mission statements that are, quite frankly, boring. The best mission statements, are both inspirational and to the point. Mission statements are critically important to your organization because they drive alignment in...
by ennwi4 | Feb 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
Business partnerships fail frequently. But we can learn from how people in good marriages manage their relationships to improve the odds. Starting a business is no small endeavor, especially if you’re doing it alone. That’s which why many entrepreneurs choose to...
by ennwi4 | Feb 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
To get the best value when sell your business, keep your focus on building a great business, serving your clients, growing your revenue and profits and exit will take care of itself. Many of the CEOs and leadership teams I have worked with over the years have fallen...
by ennwi4 | Feb 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
Many companies rate their talent well above average. Besides being untrue, this is a dangerous strategy as your top performers will leave you if you do.In the mythical town of Lake Wobegon, made famous by Garrison Keillor on National Public Radio, it is said that all...